Friday, July 1, 2011

The Blogger Reviews Are In! Zeelytes Saves on Cooling Costs!

Several bloggers have reviewed our Zeelytes 1/2 lb bag and the results are in: Zeelytes REALLY does save on cooling costs and REALLY does reduces odors in pantries, closets and refrigerators!

Here are the blogger reviews and a few excerpts from each:

The Ecological Solution to Moisture & Odor Zeelytes Review

I live in the Pacific Northwest and you’re known for our moisture … well maybe more for our precipitation, but it does tend to stay moist in my pantry, bathrooms, laundry area and closets. If you have the same problem then I can recommend Zeelytes to you!


Our Opinion: I am very impressed with the Zeelytes for now we are using it in the fridge to eliminate all odors. It works much better than baking soda and actually I can stand opening the fridge without thinking what has went to rot lol. My husband likes it because when it is done eliminating odors we can just cut it open and put it on the garden to help the garden grow.

See more of the review on how Zeelytes reduced odors in her refrigerator at the Kostiuk Crew blog!

I was able to review a package of Zeelytes™ for myself. We have two A/C systems, one for the upper level and one for the first floor. We chose to put it in the A/C for the upper level since the heat rises, causing that A/C system to run all the time. I can tell you that both my husband and I have noticed that though it is getting hotter each day, our A/C does not seem to run as long as it did even a month ago, saving us some money on our electric bill. Plus, our A/C condensation was so much that it dripped through the attic into our upstairs living room, but since we began using the Zeelytes™ we have not had any condensation.

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